Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sleeping in...

So holidays have finally arrived! Home sweet home for two whole weeks. Had to bring os much stuff home with me on the train. Was a bit of a pain to be carrying around three bursting bags!

It's going to be so good. I'm hoping to make them as productive and relaxing as possible. So far I've made a good start on the relaxing front. After a late one last night I managed to sleep until 4PM this afternoon! I thought that was a pretty good effort! My first real opportunity for a sleep in in about four weeks! So i can tick that one off!

So keen to do some shopping. Totally need a winter wardrobe. Made a slight start on the way home, bought two dresses on sale. One at $12 and the other at $6. So cute! one of them is even zebra print. It's gorgeous.

As for uni, so much stuff to be done! Hoping I can get into it and be productive as planned and get it all done. Very much need CS5 (Adobe creative suite 5) so I can get the computer stuff done. Shall have to get onto that.


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