Sunday, September 30, 2012

Holidays, holidays!

Holidays holidays! What bliss to be on holidays! The last few Sunday Summaries have gone a miss so this is like a summary of my life of the last few weeks...

It's been grand. My netball team won the premiership which is the most amazing feeling and has been such fantastic fun and an awesome group of people to have been able to share it with and be a part of and everything. It has always been a life goal to win a netball premiership and that I got to do it with the club I've been playing with all my life has been the most exciting thing! It was just epic!

Apart from all the excitement of this I am pretty well on top of life and have thoroughly enjoyed my week of absolute holiday bliss! Bliss bliss bliss!

School is under control and we only have six weeks left before being finished for the year which is just a tad bit awesome and crazy as I know I keep saying it but this year is disappearing quicker than the iPhone 5 has raced off the shelf. Which is crazy fast! Apparently Australia was even a destination for Apple lovers from overseas as some came across the ocean just to wait in line for the latest and greatest apple of all because good old Australia was the first to get it!

Loving my iPhone 4S even if it is a bit behind the times now! Newly a total Instagram-aholic!

Anyway.... more to come but that's about all my brain will output at the moment.... still in slow motion from holidays!!

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