It's been a hectic but awesome week since I've shared anything on here. There are a few things I'll try to cover without waffling on too much...
Firstly Trimester One is done! Which is exciting. I'm pretty sure I passed everything and even had a particular teacher a little bit impressed with one of my projects so that was rather satisfying! Apart from that there are definitely some briefs that I shall be carrying on with in second trimester as there are just so many things I want to change and develop with them! Perfection is unobtainable but still I strive to achieve as close as I can get!
Then there was the big AGideas conference in the later part of last week. In some ways it's odd as it's such a student orientated event and all things going to plan this time next year I'll be a totally working woman and won't be classified a student and therefore am unlikely to be attending the event. It's an odd feeling as you went through it as if it's to be your last. At least for some time perhaps. This year was really interesting as there was a particularly mixed line up of speakers. With such a range of niche disciplines we had a few speakers that were practically scientists which a few of us found a little hard to connect to our own line of work and to work out it's relevance.
But all in all as usual there was certainly some amazingly talented people that presented impressively and definitely left some inspiration and extra knowledge in my brain. Particularly loved Gemma O'Brien who you can find out all about on her blog for the love of type and also go and check out her work as part of the Jacky Winter Group! SHe is just amazing with type! Then there was Stony Cherng a graphic designer from Taiwan who was definitely up there with the most entertaining along with some gorgeously stunning work on show and a fabulous performance of singing that she keenly serenaded the crowd with! Nadine Chahine was another interesting one with her work on Arabic type. I could go on and on... There were many fabulously interesting people to see!
Then there was my attending of the Groovin' The Moo music festival over the weekend! Grand times did proceed before the most disappointing moment of my life when it finally came to The Temper Trap coming on stage I was feeling quite physically ill and couldn't possible continue on in the chilled weather and had to go home. Possibly one of the most regrettable and frustrating moments of my life! I could cry just thinking about it. Will be waiting terribly patiently for them to return to Australia again! They were pretty much the reason I bought the ticket! That being said, those that I did see were fudging awesome! Especially Tegan & Sara, The Kooks, Seth Sentry and The Hungry Kids of Hungary. Probably a bit of new music to add to the collection there I think! Great stuff Bendigo! Couldn't believe how many people were out in their onsies! I was definitely wishing I had mine on as the day wore on and it got really cold!
Now I get to be back home on the farm for the week as I take some time out for my trimester break. So far it's been fantastic. It's always good to be home for a bit no matter how much I love Melbourne.
Today I had a wonderful time on a little movie date with the girls. We went and saw The Big Wedding. It was mixed anticipation as we went and saw it just as much because there was no other films of interest showing as apposed to being desperate to see it or it being a film we had heavily been anticipating which is much more commonly the case when we go and see something. My main attraction to the film was Katherine Heigl's starring role as I'm terribly biased and adore the woman. She was good in it but I wouldn't say it was the best work of any of the cast. Or more just the entire storyline or film in general was just missing that special something because really the cast was fantastic! 7/10.
I also purchased the new Rudimental album, Home. So far in love with it. Already love the singles Not Giving In and Feel The Love and so far haven't heard a track I haven't enjoyed. This will likely be played non-stop for the next few weeks! Have just been streaming Vampire Weekend's new stuff on iTunes too. Modern Vampires of the City. It's pretty cool. Adding that one to the newbie list too!
Anyways, time to go and get some delicious cheesecake that my sister made and curl up in my onesie with a few of the sisters and a movie. Blissful!
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