Friday, October 18, 2013

Birthday Eve, D Day Looms

Birthday week minor crisis. It's an annual event in my life. It just comes with my birthday. I don't know how to get rid of it but I just get this sad feeling about the fact another year has passed by. Regardless of the milestone I think it reminds you of those idealistic dreams you had as a 10 year old about how amazing your life would be when you were older. And what you thought you would have achieved by now. Back then you always wanted to be older. What happened to that? 

And so it looms. D day Is practically upon me. Or "B"day as it is better known to most. Like that moment just after you've finished consuming that amazing coffee or delicious piece of cake I dread its occurrence. It's presence fills me with a kind of dismal disappointed feeling. 

Birthdays are just no fun when there's this pressure for it to be such a good day. The best day! But it's just another day with a painfully present reminder that another year has run past and the next one is sprinting at you even faster, it's going for a personal best. 

Okay. I'll quit the complaining now. Four hours left of being twenty-one. Better soak it up!

First world problems!

I did get rather spoilt today on my birthday eve though! At work they had a some lovely cakes and a cute card and present for me. And one of my co-workers left me a cute note. But what really made my day was coming home to a gorgeous bunch of flowers on my desk that my wonderful mother organised for me. I think part of my birthday dread is tied into not getting to see my family tomorrow. It'll be my first birthday that I'll spend entirely away from my family. Definitely beings on a serious case of homesickness! So I'm just gonna postpone my birthday until next weekend when I get to see my family. 

Dread indeed.

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