The Flave #007
Rather delayed, I know.
So on Sunday the 29th it was finally time to attend Big Day Out in Melbourne. And it was an epic and awesome day, though ridiculously hot. Thank goodness I managed to avoid sunburn, though I'm sure there were many that didn't! The line up was fantastic though it was hard to get around and actually see all of the shows that you wanted. What we did see was awesome though!
Stonefield were the first act we saw over at the Converse Green Stage. They were pretty cool.

We ran over to Bluejuice over at the Boiler Room. We only saw about three songs... well when I say saw we couldn't see them, the tent was so crowded as you can see by the picture. But what we could hear was fantastic, they seemed like a lot of fun. Would be great to go to one of their shows again.

We then got out of the oven and sat along the side in the fresh air to view the wonderful Architecture In Helsinki. Another fantastic group to see live! They put on a great show.
After that we went back to the Blue Stage for Kasabian. Not my favourite band but they were pretty good.
Then it was back to our frequent Converse Green Stage for the one and only Foster the People! Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. WOW. Loved them. Loved it. Fantastically awesomeness. Would love to see them again also!
The last stop was back to the Blue Stage for the king, Kanye. He was also rather awesome but boy does he like to drag out his songs. They're already so long and then he just repeats repeats repeats! Apart from that meaning we had to miss half his show because he went overtime and we had to make the train, he was awesome!
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