Monday, April 30, 2012

The Sunday Summary 29/4/2012

So this week Child by 360 had been my latest song obsession. I really love it! So much so that since he is a Melbourne based artist I may just have to do some album purchasing. Also a song I heard ages ago but didn't know what it was called or who it was by but loved it and have now worked out that it was Zoom by the Last Dinosaurs. Awesome Stuff.

Keenly hoping to get Ed Sheeran tickets this week. Fingers crossed!

Another successful week on the Netball court makes for a great weekend.

The week in thousands of words...

Butterfly fingerprints.

My gorgeous new watch!

Introducing delicious white chocolate and berry scones. So good!

Hope you had as nice a weekend as I did!

Friday, April 27, 2012

I heart Fridays.

Oh how I do love Fridays! That delightful feeling that the entire weekend is ahead of you is always such a joyful thought! Especially this time of the day when I'm about to embark on my trip home. Especially now back to netball season. And then there always seems to be something on to go to whether it's a 21st or something else. Which I love. I love that it's the year of 21st's in my life. And guess what?! I'm actually excited to have my own. I'm actually looking forward to my birthday this year! Having said that I'm glad it's still six months away.... that is still soon enough for me.

A little bit sad, tried to get Ed Sheeran tickets in the pre-sale yesterday and missed out. Fingers crossed for Monday when the public sale is on!

Friday I love you!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Flave #010

Watched In Good Company last weekend. Quite enjoyed this one. It has a great cast with Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace and Scarlett Johansson. Quaids character, Dan, is happily running a long successful career at a sports magazine until the magazine is bought out and he is demoted to work for a much younger man, Carter. This is a strained situation made worse when he discovers his daughter, Alex, is dating his youthful boss. It's quite funny and just generally an enjoyable watch. 3/5.

Finally watched Black Swan. Wow.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Natalie Portman is one of my favourite actresses these days. She was just amazing. She is of course the main character, Nina, a very talented ballet dancer that is mentally constantly at war with herself as she strives for pure perfection. I definitely found many squirmy moments. I definitely found myself screaming a few times and generally feeling a bit uncomfortable. Bit wow. When those final credits went up I couldn't help feeling in awe of not just the film but this character and her pain, mentally. 4.5/5. It's not really a film I feel I could sit down and watch again just because I just don't think I could cope. But I can't think of any other words that I could describe it with. Just... wow. Just thought I'd add I totally enjoyed Mila Kunis' character Lily. She seems to be very busy of late!

A few weeks ago I picked up the DVD Once. Not so much a mainstream kind of a film it almost feels like some kind of personal documentary as you follow the musical meeting of two total strangers in Dublin. Their stories unfold as they write and record music together. I loved the music in this. It was just so... mellow. 3/5.

Went and saw Battleship the other night. It was actually pretty good. I really liked it. The cast were really good. Particularly enjoyed Taylor Kitsch as the main man Alex Hopper. He was such a charismatic character and Kitsch pulled it off so well. I also thought Rihanna was quite good in her first role ever. She's just so pretty and pulled off her tough navy chick character easily. This piece of sci-fi action was tasty enough to chew, though not typically my kind of film, I was happy enough to swallow. The cute romance that was planted at the beginning of the film probably encouraged my interest as the hopeless Alex Hopper, intoxicated on birthday celebrations manages to cause an amount of damage and a cinema of giggles as he proceeds to stupidly acquire a certain food item to win the attention of a gorgeous woman. The film proceeds into the story as it seems aliens have finally found us here on earth. Weapons are fired and action unfolds and eventually the world is safe again. 3/5 I say. Not bad. Not bad at all.

This was from the holidays viewings.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Summary 22/04/2012

Ed Sheeran has been getting stuck in my head again after the announcement of his promo tour in the near future. Kiss Me tends to just play over and over in my head. I love it.

Devastation caused by a certain television show and the death of a favourite character has caused much distress in my life.

As always I have food on my brain. Amazingly tasty chocolate pudding that my brother cooked especially for me. And delish lemon slice that Grandma made.

Won netball this weekend and the season is looking to be a good one at this stage.

Still far to much homework to be done.

The week in thousands of words...

Life is swell.

Say cheese!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Unhealthily Pathetic

So to continue on the common recent theme of being addicted unhealthily and over involved in television shows I've just watch the most recent episode of Dance Academy. If you don't know what this show is it's a teen drama on ABC3 and admittedly probably not really aimed at my demographic. But I love it. And the latest episode is probably the saddest thing I have watched on ABC kids programming! The best episode but... I was literally sobbing. I don't think I've cried that much over a television show and the death of a character since Mel died on Packed or that crazy shooting rampage on Grey's Anatomy back at the end of season six! I guess at least it is only a television show that I'm sobbing about? Or just terribly pathetic. I don't really mind... I love getting so involved.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Television Affection

Tonight I spent my time catching up on recorded television. Advertising on television must suffer a lot now when it's so easy to record all your television shows and just fast forward through the ads. Anyway, I watched the first episode of the third season of Offspring which I've been keenly awaiting. Looks like it's going to be a fantastic season. I can't begin to describe how much I love Offspring! Then I was catching up on 89366 episodes of New Girl. Sitting there by myself having a good giggle. I just love Jess, the main character. She is just so quirky and cute. And the guys, I just love them all! I love this show. It seems I have an unhealthy amount of affection for some television shows.... and their characters... Packed to the Rafters was also back this week. Julie has a blog! Vintage Mum, they're even actually putting up on the website. Oh how I enjoy getting into television shows.

Found out today that Ed Sheeran is coming to Australia! So I'm just a little bit excited about this and just a tiny bit keen to get tickets and may just be entirely devastated if I don't manage to get some! They go on sale next week! Fingers crossed it's more of a success than the attempt my sisters and I had at getting One Direction tickets. At the time I was quite depressed but after their arrival and the total hysteria of their.... hardcore? fans I'm glad I wasn't there. I like the group. But I would like to preserve my hearing a little longer rather than expose it to the ridiculously enthusiastic screams of their majority teenage fan base. Though there are plenty that would put shame on me for admitting it but I do like them. But wow. Some of these little teenagers.... they really really.... really like them...

Not sure how it's got sooo late... there's my pointless little ramble about television and music. Night!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Rarely Television

I am rarely ever home and sitting in front of the television to watch all these talent shows and reality television that is on in the earlier part of the evening so I didn't actually watch The Voice last night but read a little article today in the Herald Sun about a certain legally blind contestant that goes by the name of Rachael Leahcar. This I found rather exciting. Like most people I long ago worked out what my name is spelt backwards and that is "Leahcar"! So I find it amusing but also rather cool that this girl has a first name that is not only totally awesome(clearly) but also spells her last name if flipped to backwards.

Just thought I'd share my excited enjoyment at this random occurrence.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunday Summary 15/4/2012

So this week has been quite blissful really. Holidays can be just so fantastic. Despite only getting a very bare minimum of work done that I needed to, apart from that it's been a lovely week! Life is just so awesome. I love doing life!

I don't care what they say, I love Ke$ha's music and have been totally digging listening to it of late. It's just so catchy and fun to sing along to. Also cannot get Bon Iver out of my head at the moment with Skinny Love. It's just such a beautiful song. I heart it so much! Also been really loving Grouplove with their Tongue Tied, half just because of my fascination and enjoyment of the clip but also because it's just such an awesome song!

Watched The Aristocats while home working this morning. It was so cute! I haven't watched it in years and it was definitely one of my favourite films as a little kid. I used to just adore Duchess and Maria. And Berlioz and Toulouse were of course so cute. And Mr. O'Malley. My he was a smooth character. And of course the giggling geese. Just the whole film. I feel like even with kids movies there were always bits that you sort of got a bit bored at or that were scary or you just didn't like at all but with this one I just love the whole film. I like every bit of it. Kind of funny because I'm totally not a cat person at all! Everybody wants to be a cat!

The week in thousands of words...

Back to school tomorrow. Slightly sad but also totally keen to see everyone!

Have an awesome week!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Getting lucky

So it's Friday the 13th... apparently it's a rather unlucky for Friday and the 13th to align therefore making it a rather unlucky day for those of us who like to employ a bit of superstition in our lives. Well it certainly hasn't been an unlucky day in the storybook of my life! Not a particularly extraordinary day either, but a good one all the same. Chilled with my favourite people and got through some work that needed to be done that I actually really enjoyed doing but just find frustratingly time consuming as I've run out of it entirely. Then I even got to do my favourite thing. Go to the discount lolly shop and buy lots of chocolate. Yes. I have a problem. A chocolate buying problem. There's just something about getting my favourite sweet treats at discounted prices that just does it for me! Lucky I have so many siblings to share it with right?

The only unlucky part of today is that it marks the last day of my holidays and after the weekend it's back to my packed weekly schedule! I was actually really enjoying these holidays. Usually I'm totally ready for them to end and though, as always, I'm looking forward to getting back to it, I'm definitely sadder than usual that the holidays are over. It's just been really nice and relaxing (and extremely lazy) being at home. Though there is a lot of work.... that I reallllllly should have done. Can you see me face palming? 4398759487 times? What a goose right? I had so much time to do it all.... where did that time go?

Oh well!

First round of netball tomorrow. Totally pumped. Very keen to hit the court for some competition! Wish me luck!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday Summary 8/4/2012

Happy Easter to all! Hope you are having a lovely and safe one with family and friends and enjoying your long weekend! And hope the bunny made a generous visit.

As far as music goes I haven't had any new obsessions this week. Rabbit Hole is still getting a massive play in my head though.

Apparently my four sisters want a mention of how awesome they are... They're kind of awesome. My whole family kind of is.

Got back in the dairy a few times this week. Don't tell my family but I actually kind of enjoy milking. Shhhhh!

The week in thousands of words...

Due to a moosey cake that couldn't handle candles a banana became the understudy...

The divinely delish moosey chocolate cake...

I had a milo.... haven't had one in like.... years!

All my dreams came true! The Easter bunny brought Humpty eggs!

Someone else kind of special gave me some delish Lindt chocolate... 

Easter.... chocolate.... OM NOM NOM.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

LinkSpired #005

So this is probably the coolest living space I've seen... East Village Studio is just brilliant!

Doing what you love is wonderful. I also feel Trent Walton has a touching view on blogging...

This washroom tour on k. was rather cute and inspiring I thought.

Since watching Factory Girl, weeks ago now, I'm still thinking about Edie Sedgwick at the moment... 

Was recently inspired by a young woman who came in to our class to talk to us about where she had got to since doing the very same course I am doing now. It was very interesting getting to hear how she got to where she is in such a short amount of time. She now works at this super cute online business, mooo.

Also having flown to Adelaide over the past weekend, something about airports inspire me a great deal. I just love to fly and wish I could do so much more of it... There's just something about being somewhere where there is the potential to fly away to wherever you want... No web link for this one, just simply linking airports to inspiration!

This was a good little read for everyone out there, especially idea makers!

This article, Design in perspective, on desktop by Scott Larritt rings so true. Sometimes it is just so hard to have people understand what it is you actually do as a designer...

I also found the cool videos over at wethinkthings rather inspiring. Go and check them out!

Hope these leave you with a bit of inspiration. See you on the flip side!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Inside Out #005


He waits in fear,
in darkness in pain,
but what it is he’s afraid of is a shame,
if only he came out he could see,
but he’s blinded,
blinded unknowingly.

Obviously broken,
hiding deep and dark,
unwilling to try, attempt,
for fear of failure,
not looking for a spark,
and the longer he sits and waits,
the more he deteriorates,
wasting such potential,
a hazard in achieving his own dreams,
a prisoner of his own making,
but he doesn’t realise…
he’s the only one who has the key to unlock his own cell.

Sunday Summary 1/4/2012

Another month has run away already. We're already a third of the way through twenty twelve! How can this be?!

The joys of gaining an hour when you're still out at 3AM in the morning! Priceless!

This week I cannot get The Temper Trap out of my head along with their track that I mentioned last week, Rabbit Hole. So checking out everything Temper Trap at the moment! Need Your Love is another great new track they have released. Default - Django Django has not failed to also get stuck in my head!

So excited to be on two weeks of holidays! Despite all the homework that should consume quite a part of them... Oh well.

The week in thousands of words...
Early flight to Adelaide on Saturday morning...

 Spinach and pastry.... om nom nom!

Parties and sunsets on ships!

My first sushi experience! Delish!

Flying home again!

Hope your weekend was as fabulous as mine!